Candesartan是什么意思 Candesartan的读音、翻译、用法

Candesartan是什么意思 Candesartan的读音、翻译、用法



1. I take candesartan to control my high blood pressure. (我服用坎地沙坦控制我的高血压。)

2. Candesartan has been shown to improve heart function in patients with heart failure. (研究显示坎地沙坦能够改善心力衰竭患者的心脏功能。)

3. The doctor prescribed me candesartan to prevent strokes. (医生给我开了坎地沙坦来预防中风。)

4. Candesartan takes a few weeks to start working. (坎地沙坦需要几周时间才能开始发挥作用。)

5. The side effects of candesartan include dizziness and fatigue. (坎地沙坦的副作用包括头晕和疲劳。)

6. Candesartan is contraindicated in pregnancy. (孕妇禁用坎地沙坦。)

7. My doctor switched me from lisinopril to candesartan because of side effects. (由于副作用,医生把我从福辛普利换成了坎地沙坦。)

8. Candesartan should be taken at the same time each day. (坎地沙坦每天应在同一时间服用。)

9. Candesartan can interact with other medications, so it's important to tell your doctor what you're taking. (坎地沙坦可能会与其他药物产生相互作用,因此告诉医生你正在服用什么药物非常重要。)

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