concertina是什么意思 concertina的读音、翻译、用法

concertina是什么意思 concertina的读音、翻译、用法



1. She played a beautiful tune on her concertina.(她在手风琴上演奏了一曲美妙的乐曲。)

2. The band added a new concertina player to their line-up.(这支乐队加入了一名新的手风琴演奏者。)

3. I love the sound of the concertina in traditional Irish music.(在传统的爱尔兰音乐中,我喜欢手风琴的声音。)

4. He picked up his concertina and started to play a lively polka.(他拿起手风琴,开始演奏一曲欢快的波尔卡舞曲。)

5. The concertina player led the procession through the streets.(手风琴演奏者带领着游行队伍走过街道。)

6. She brought her concertina to the folk music festival and played in a band.(她带着她的手风琴参加了民间音乐节,并在一个乐队中演奏。)

7. The audience clapped and cheered as the concertina player finished his solo.(手风琴演奏者完成了独奏后,观众鼓掌欢呼。)

8. He learned to play the concertina from his grandfather, who was a skilled musician.(他从他的祖父那里学会了演奏手风琴,他的祖父是一位熟练的音乐家。)

9. The concertina is a popular instrument in Cajun and zydeco music.(手风琴是路易斯安那热舞音乐和泽迪科音乐中的流行乐器。)

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