Chitterlings是什么意思 Chitterlings的读音、翻译、用法

Chitterlings是什么意思 Chitterlings的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'Chitterlings'是英语词汇,它是指猪的小肠。

2. 'Chitterlings'常常被当做一种传统的南方美食,尤其是在美国南部,如路易斯安那和德克萨斯。

3. 这个词语在美国的黑人文化中也有着重要的地位,被认为是一种重要的文化食品。


1. I grew up eating chitterlings, and they remain one of my favorite foods. (我在成长过程中就吃猪肠,它们仍然是我最喜欢的食物之一。)

2. My grandmother always made chitterlings for Christmas dinner. (我奶奶总是为圣诞晚餐做猪肠。)

3. Chitterlings are a popular soul food in the South. (猪肠是南方流行的灵魂食品。)

4. Some people love chitterlings, while others find them unappetizing. (有些人喜欢猪肠,而有些人觉得它们不好吃。)

5. Cooking chitterlings can be a time-consuming process. (烹饪猪肠可能是一个费时的过程。)

6. Chitterlings are often paired with other soul food staples such as collard greens or black-eyed peas. (猪肠通常与其他灵魂食品基本食材如羽衣甘蓝或眉豆搭配。)

7. Many African American families have passed down recipes for chitterlings for generations. (许多非裔美国家庭代代传承猪肠食谱。)

8. Chitterlings are a traditional dish in Louisiana Creole cuisine. (猪肠是路易斯安那克里奥尔菜肴的传统菜肴。)

9. Some people believe that the best chitterlings come from pigs that are raised on specific types of diets. (有些人认为,最好的猪肠来自于特定类型饮食的猪。)

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