'insider trading' 这个词语来源于英语。它指的是在股票市场上,那些对于未公开的信息有知情权的人员利用这些信息进行交易,从而获取非法利润的行为。在中国,这个词通常被翻译成“内幕交易”。
1. Insider trading is strictly prohibited by law.(内幕交易在法律上是严格禁止的。)
2. He was accused of insider trading and sentenced to five years in prison.(他被指控内幕交易行为并被判刑xx年。)
3. The company was investigated for suspected insider trading.(该公司因涉嫌内幕交易而接受调查。)
4. The stock market is closely monitored for any signs of insider trading.(股票市场受到密切监控以检测任何内幕交易的迹象。)
5. Insider trading can cause harm to other investors and disrupt the fairness of the stock market.(内幕交易会对其他投资者造成损害,破坏股票市场的公平性。)
6. The company implemented strict measures to prevent insider trading.(公司采取了严格的措施防止内幕交易。)
7. He was fired from the company for engaging in insider trading.(他因参与内幕交易而被公司开除。)
8. Insider trading is a serious violation of corporate ethics.(内幕交易是严重违反企业道德的行为。)
9. The regulatory agency imposed heavy fines on the company for allowing insider trading to occur.(监管机构对该公司因允许内幕交易而处以重罚。)