Scandentia是什么意思 Scandentia的读音、翻译、用法

Scandentia是什么意思 Scandentia的读音、翻译、用法




1. Scandentia is a small order of mammals that includes tree shrews.(Scandentia是一个小型哺乳动物目,包括树鼩。)

2. Scandentia is only found in the Old World, in tropical Asia.(Scandentia仅在亚洲热带地区的旧大陆发现。)

3. The diet of Scandentia varies from one species to another.(Scandentia的饮食习性因物种而异。)

4. The Scandentia species can be distinguished by their teeth and claws.(Scandentia物种可通过它们的牙齿和爪子来区分。)

5. Scandentia are small, arboreal animals that live in trees.(Scandentia是生活在树上的小型树栖动物。)

6. The Scandentia is an ancient group of mammals that diverged from other mammals about 70 million years ago.(Scandentia是一个古老的哺乳动物群体,约在7000万年前与其他哺乳动物分化。)

7. Scandentia play an important role in the ecosystem as seed dispersers and pollinators.(Scandentia作为种子传播者和授粉者,在生态系统中扮演重要角色。)

8. The Scandentia has adapted to living in the forest canopy by developing specialized limbs and tail.(Scandentia通过发展特殊的四肢和尾巴,适应了生活在森林树冠中的环境。)

9. Scandentia is a group of small, nocturnal animals that are difficult to study in the wild.(Scandentia是一群小型夜间动物,在野外难以研究。)

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