'fliper'不是任何国家的官方语言,它是英文中的一个俚语,意思是“翻转”。在英语中,它通常用于形容某件物品或事物从一个状态或位置翻转到另一个状态或位置。例如,一个翻转的车辆可以被描述为“flipped car”。
1. The strong winds flipped over the picnic table. 强风将野餐桌吹翻了。
2. The gymnast flipped backward off the balance beam. 体操运动员从平衡木上向后翻跃起来。
3. The turtle flipped itself over and struggled to get back on its feet. 龟翻了过来,努力挣扎着站起来。
4. The boat flipped over in the stormy seas. 船在风浪中翻了过来。
5. The acrobat performed a series of flips and twists in his routine. 杂技演员在表演中做了一系列的翻转和扭转动作。
6. The pancake flipped over perfectly in the frying pan. 煎饼在煎锅里完美地翻了过来。
7. The skateboarder attempted a kickflip, but didn't land it. 滑板手试图做一次脚踢翻转,但没有成功着陆。
8. The cat flipped its tail in annoyance. 猫生气地甩了甩尾巴。
9. The diver executed a graceful backflip off the diving board. 跳水运动员从跳板上优美地倒退翻跃起来。