1. Graphognathus steiningeri是一种化石昆虫,其咀嚼器官形态特征可以揭示其生态类型。
(中文翻译:Graphognathus steiningeri is a fossil insect, and its graphognathus morphology can reveal its ecological type.)
2. 'Graphognathus'一词由希腊单词'grapho'和'gnathos'组成,分别表示“图形”和“颚部”。
(中文翻译:The term 'graphognathus' is composed of the Greek words 'grapho' and 'gnathos', meaning "shape" and "jaw" respectively.)
3. 该物种的Graphognathus观察结果表明,它具有不同于其他种类的颚部形态。
(中文翻译:The observation of the species' graphognathus suggests that it has a jaw morphology distinct from other species.)
4. 通过对Graphognathus和其他形态特征的研究,我们可以了解这些化石动物的饮食习惯。
(中文翻译:By studying the graphognathus and other morphological features, we can learn about the dietary habits of these fossil animals.)
5. 这个科学家通过比较Graphognathus的形态特征,发现它们在不同的环境下都可以生存。
(中文翻译:The scientist found that Graphognathus could survive in different environments through comparing their morphological characteristics.)
6. Graphognathus的研究可以帮助我们了解史前动物的生态环境和进化历程。
(中文翻译:Studying graphognathus can help us understand the ecological environment and evolutionary history of prehistoric animals.)
7. 这个化石标本的Graphognathus特征显示它是一种肉食性动物。
(中文翻译:The graphognathus features of this fossil specimen suggest that it was a carnivorous animal.)
8. Graphognathus的观察结果可以提供关于古生态系统中食物链和生物群落结构的信息。
(中文翻译:Observations of graphognathus can provide information about food chains and community structure in ancient ecosystems.)
9. 这项研究通过对Graphognathus形态的比较,证明了这些昆虫之间的进化关系。
(中文翻译:This study demonstrated the evolutionary relationships between these insects through comparison of graphognathus morphology.)