1. Trematoda属于吸盘虫纲,是一类寄生于动物体内的寄生虫。
(英语:Trematoda belong to the class of flatworms and are parasitic in animals.)
2. 在一些地区,Trematoda会引起人类的健康问题。
(英语:In some areas, trematodes can cause health problems in humans.)
3. 许多Trematoda寄生在淡水和海水生物体内。
(英语:Many trematodes parasitize freshwater and marine organisms.)
4. Trematoda中的一些物种可以对景观生态系统产生影响。
(英语:Some species of trematodes can have an impact on landscape ecosystems.)
5. 观察Trematoda的生活史可以帮助我们更好地理解它们的生物学特征。
(英语:Studying the life history of trematodes can help us better understand their biological characteristics.)
6. Trematoda的形态多样,有些物种甚至可以改变宿主的行为。
(英语:Trematodes have diverse morphologies, and some species can even alter the behavior of their hosts.)
7. Trematoda的生存依赖于它们的寄主,而当宿主数量减少时,它们的数量会受到影响。
(英语:Trematodes rely on their hosts for survival, and their populations can be affected when host numbers decline.)
8. Trematoda的复杂生命周期需要多个宿主,而且不同的生命周期阶段需要不同的环境条件。
(英语:The complex lifecycle of trematodes requires multiple hosts, and different stages of the lifecycle require different environmental conditions.)
9. Trematoda对于环境的敏感性使得它们可以被用来作为生物指示剂。
(英语:The sensitivity of trematodes to environmental conditions makes them useful as bioindicators.)