ENiAC是什么意思 ENiAC的读音、翻译、用法

ENiAC是什么意思 ENiAC的读音、翻译、用法

ENiAC是美国的词语,它是Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer的缩写,即电子数字积分器和计算机。ENiAC是世界上第一台电子计算机,于xx年在美国诺伦·W·英阿斯和约翰·普雷斯珀共同研制完成。


1. ENiAC 是世界上第一台通用电子数字计算机。

ENiAC is the world's first general-purpose electronic digital computer.

2. ENiAC 的设计过程耗时近xx年,于xx年投入使用。

The design of ENiAC took nearly a decade, and it was put into use in 1946.

3. ENiAC 可以完成数值积分、解线性方程组等复杂计算。

ENiAC can perform complex calculations such as numerical integration and solving systems of linear equations.

4. ENiAC 采用了大量的真空管,每秒可以执行5000次加法或乘法运算。

ENiAC used a large number of vacuum tubes and could perform 5,000 addition or multiplication operations per second.

5. ENiAC 的体积非常大,占据了一个房间的空间。

ENiAC was very large and occupied an entire room.

6. ENiAC 的发明让计算机科学迈入了一个全新的时代。

The invention of ENiAC ushered in a new era in computer science.

7. ENiAC 后来被更先进的计算机所取代,但它仍然被视为计算机科学的里程碑。

ENiAC was later replaced by more advanced computers, but it is still considered a milestone in computer science.

8. ENiAC 的成功得益于众多科学家和工程师的努力。

The success of ENiAC was due to the efforts of numerous scientists and engineers.

9. ENiAC 带动了计算机硬件和软件的发展,为今后的计算机科学奠定了基础。

ENiAC drove the development of computer hardware and software, laying the foundation for future computer science.

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