1. Castries市中心的酒店提供免费接送服务。(英语)
Hotels in the center of Castries offer free shuttle service.
2. Castries港口是前往其他加勒比海岛屿的必经之路。(英语)
The port of Castries is a gateway to other Caribbean islands.
3. Castries人口约7万,是圣卢西亚最大的城市。(中文)
With a population of about 70,000, Castries is the largest city in Saint Lucia.
4. 我们在Castries购买了当地特色的手工艺品。(中文)
We bought local handicrafts in Castries.
5. Castries是一个非常美丽的城市,值得一去。(中文)
Castries is a very beautiful city and worth a visit.
6. Castries的海滩是一个休闲娱乐的好去处。(中文)
The beaches of Castries are a great place for leisure and entertainment.
7. 在Castries旅游期间,我们尝试了当地的美食。(中文)
During our trip to Castries, we tried local cuisine.
8. 由于Castries的地理位置,气候温暖而湿润。(中文)
Due to its location, Castries has a warm and humid climate.
9. Castries市中心有许多历史建筑,展示了斯莱夫人的传统风格。(中文)
There are many historic buildings in the center of Castries, showcasing the traditional style of Saint Lucia.