'Chlorophora excelsa'是原产于非洲的一种树木,俗称为非洲桐木,也被称为厄瓜多尔桐木或者加勒比桐木。它是一种珍贵而重要的原木,被广泛用于家具、地板、船板等制造。
1. Chlorophora excelsa 很适合制作高级家具。(英语:Chlorophora excelsa is very suitable for making high-end furniture.)
2. 这个工艺品是用 Chlorophora excelsa 制作的。(英语:This handicraft is made of Chlorophora excelsa.)
3. Chlorophora excelsa 的颜色非常美丽,可以在众多家具中脱颖而出。(英语:The color of Chlorophora excelsa is very beautiful and can stand out among many furniture.)
4. 这个船板是由 Chlorophora excelsa 制成的。(英语:This ship board is made of Chlorophora excelsa.)
5. 非洲桐木的纹理非常独特,因此非常受人喜爱。(英语:The texture of Chlorophora excelsa is very unique, so it is very popular.)
6. Chlorophora excelsa 有很好的锯切性能,因此被用于制作珠宝盒等物品。(英语:Chlorophora excelsa has good sawing properties and is therefore used to make items such as jewelry boxes.)
7. 这个地板是用非洲桐木打造的,所以非常耐用。(英语:This floor is made of Chlorophora excelsa, so it is very durable.)
8. Chlorophora excelsa 的横切面非常美丽,被用来制作艺术品和摆设。(英语:The cross section of Chlorophora excelsa is very beautiful, and it is used to make art and decoration.)
9. 这张椅子使用了非洲桐木,下面还有牛皮革缀饰,非常奢华。(英语:This chair uses Chlorophora excelsa, and there are cowhide decorations underneath, which is very luxurious.)