mucosal是什么意思 mucosal的读音、翻译、用法

mucosal是什么意思 mucosal的读音、翻译、用法



1. Mucosal immunity plays a critical role in preventing infectious diseases.(黏膜免疫在预防传染病方面起着关键作用。)

2. The mucosal lining of the stomach protects it from being damaged by digestive acids.(胃壁的黏膜屏障保护它不会被消化酸侵害。)

3. Mucosal inflammation is a common symptom of allergies.(黏膜炎症是过敏的常见症状。)

4. The nasal mucosa is easily irritated by pollutants in the air.(鼻黏膜容易受空气中的污染物刺激。)

5. The mucosal surface of the intestines is where nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream.(肠道的黏膜表面是营养成分被吸收进入血液循环的地方。)

6. Mucosal vaccines can provide long-lasting immunity against certain diseases.(黏膜疫苗可以提供对某些疾病的长期免疫力。)

7. Probiotics can improve the mucosal barrier function of the digestive system.(益生菌可以改善消化系统的黏膜屏障功能。)

8. The oral mucosal barrier is an important component of the body's defense against pathogens.(口腔黏膜屏障是身体对抗病原体的重要组成部分。)

9. Mucosal wound healing is a complex process involving the coordination of various cells and molecules.(黏膜伤口愈合是一个涉及各种细胞和分子协调的复杂过程。)

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