Dicksonia是什么意思 Dicksonia的读音、翻译、用法

Dicksonia是什么意思 Dicksonia的读音、翻译、用法



1. Dicksonia antarctica is a species of tree fern native to southeastern Australia.(狗骨蕨属南极树蕨是分布在澳大利亚东南部的一种蕨类植物。)

2. The fronds of Dicksonia fibrosa are used for weaving mats and baskets.(狗骨蕨属纤维蕨的叶片被用来编织垫子和篮子。)

3. Dicksonia externa is a rare species of fern found only in New Zealand.(狗骨蕨属外部蕨是一种在新西兰发现的稀有蕨类植物。)

4. The trunk of Dicksonia lanata can grow up to 10 meters tall.(狗骨蕨属毛柄蕨的树干高达10米。)

5. Dicksonia sellowiana is commonly called "xaxim" in Brazil.(狗骨蕨属西洋蕨在巴西被称为“沙希姆”。)

6. The spores of Dicksonia youngiae are used in traditional Chinese medicine.(狗骨蕨属扬氏蕨的孢子被用于传统中药。)

7. Dicksonia squarrosa is known for its large fronds and attractive appearance.(狗骨蕨属苞鳞蕨因其大叶片和吸引人的外观而知名。)

8. The genus Dicksonia is named after James Dickson, a British botanist.(狗骨蕨属的属名是以英国植物学家詹姆斯·迪克森的名字命名的。)

9. Dicksonia thyrsopteroides is a critically endangered species in Taiwan.(狗骨蕨属雪山蕨是台湾的一种极度濒危物种。)

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