Castoridae是什么意思 Castoridae的读音、翻译、用法

Castoridae是什么意思 Castoridae的读音、翻译、用法


1. Castoridae是啮齿目中的一个家族。

Castoridae is a family in the order Rodentia.

2. 这个海狸科动物的牙齿非常锋利。

The teeth of this Castoridae animal are very sharp.

3. 她喜欢研究啮齿类动物中的海狸科。

She enjoys studying Castoridae in rodents.

4. 海狸科的物种在北美洲广泛分布。

Species of Castoridae are widely distributed in North America.

5. 海狸是最著名的海狸科动物之一。

The beaver is one of the most well-known Castoridae animals.

6. 这种海狸科动物能够在水下呆很长时间。

This Castoridae animal can stay underwater for a long time.

7. 海狸科动物的尾巴可以帮助它们在水中游动。

The tails of Castoridae animals can help them swim in the water.

8. 他的博士论文主要研究了海狸科的物种多样性。

His doctoral thesis mainly focused on the diversity of Castoridae species.

9. 海狸科动物尤其适应了水生环境。

Castoridae animals are particularly adapted to aquatic environments.

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