Murraya是什么意思 Murraya的读音、翻译、用法

Murraya是什么意思 Murraya的读音、翻译、用法



1. Murraya很适合种在花园里,因为它能够生长良好并提供美丽的花朵和香气。(英文)

Murraya is ideal for planting in gardens, as it grows well and provides beautiful flowers and fragrance.(中文)

2. 我家花园里有一棵高大的Murraya,每年都会开出许多黄色的花朵。(英文)

There is a tall Murraya in my garden, which blooms with many yellow flowers every year.(中文)

3. 他很擅长种植各种植物,特别是Murraya。(英文)

He is very good at cultivating various plants, especially Murraya.(中文)

4. Murraya的果实可以用来制作香料,添加到食物中会增添一些味道。(英文)

The fruit of Murraya can be used to make spices, which can add some flavor to food.(中文)

5. 我在花店买了一盆美丽的Murraya,放在客厅里很漂亮。(英文)

I bought a beautiful Murraya at the flower shop, which looks very nice in the living room.(中文)

6. 我曾在一次旅行中看到了很多Murraya,它们的花朵非常漂亮。(英文)

I saw many Murraya during a trip, and their flowers were very beautiful.(中文)

7. 在澳大利亚的花园中,Murraya是一种很受欢迎的植物,因为它不仅美丽而且易于生长。(英文)

In Australian gardens, Murraya is a popular plant because it is not only beautiful but also easy to grow.(中文)

8. 我们在路边看到了许多Murraya,它们散发出一种清新的花香。(英文)

We saw many Murraya on the roadside, and they emitted a fresh floral scent.(中文)

9. 你知道Murraya的花瓣可以用来泡茶吗?它非常香甜。(英文)

Do you know that Murraya petals can be used to make tea? It is very fragrant and sweet.(中文)

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