flavo是什么意思 flavo的读音、翻译、用法

flavo是什么意思 flavo的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'flavo'是拉丁语,意为“风味”或“味道”。

2. 'flavo'在现代英语中被用作“口感”或“味道”等方面。

3. 例句1:I love the flavo(u)r of fresh herbs in my cooking.(我喜欢在烹饪中加入新鲜的草药风味。)

4. 例句2:The wine has a strong flavo(u)r of blackberries.(这种葡萄酒有浓郁的黑莓味道。)

5. 例句3:There is a subtle flavo(u)r of vanilla in this cake.(这个蛋糕有一种微妙的香草味。)

6. 例句4:The curry has a rich and spicy flavo(u)r.(这道咖喱味道丰富辛辣。)

7. 例句5:The soup has a creamy flavo(u)r thanks to the addition of coconut milk.(这个汤因为加了椰奶而有一种奶香味。)

8. 例句6:The beer has a bitter flavo(u)r that some people love.(这种啤酒有一种苦涩的味道,有些人喜欢。)

9. 例句7:The cheesecake has a tangy flavo(u)r from the use of lemon juice.(这个芝士蛋糕用柠檬汁调味,有一种微酸的味道。)

10. 例句8:The sushi has a delicate flavo(u)r thanks to the fresh fish.(这个寿司因为用了新鲜的鱼而有一种微妙的味道。)

11. 例句9:The ice cream has a sweet and creamy flavo(u)r that melts in your mouth.(这个冰淇淋有一种甜甜的奶香味,融在嘴里。)

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