Tacca是什么意思 Tacca的读音、翻译、用法

Tacca是什么意思 Tacca的读音、翻译、用法



1. Tacca chantrieri, also known as the black bat flower, is a species of flowering plant native to Southeast Asia.(Tacca chantrieri,也称为黑蝠花,是一种原产于东南亚的植物。)

2. Tacca integrifolia, commonly called the white bat flower or integrifolia tacca, is a perennial herb from China.(Tacca integrifolia,常称为白蝠花或整叶山茱萸,是一种来自中国的多年生草本植物。)

3. In traditional Chinese medicine, tacca root is used to relieve pain and treat menstrual disorders.(在传统中医中,黑兔耳草根用于缓解疼痛和治疗月经紊乱。)

4. Tacca leontopetaloides is a species of plant in the Dioscoreaceae family, found in the Pacific Islands and in Southeast Asia.(Tacca leontopetaloides是菝葜科(Dioscoreaceae)植物的一个物种,在太平洋岛屿和东南亚都可以找到。)

5. Tacca nivea, commonly known as the dwarf bat flower, is a small species of tacca native to China.(Tacca nivea,常称为矮蝠花,是一种原产于中国的小型黑兔耳草。)

6. Tacca integrifolia is a plant species from the family Dioscoreaceae, commonly known as white bat flower or integrifolia tacca.(Tacca integrifolia是菝葜科(Dioscoreaceae)植物的一个种类,常称为白蝠花或整叶山茱萸。)

7. The black bat flower, Tacca chantrieri, is a tropical plant native to Thailand and Burma.(黑蝠花Tacca chantrieri是一种来自泰国和缅甸的热带植物。)

8. Tacca palmata, commonly called the hairy bat flower or kapa‘i‘olu, is a species of flowering plant native to Hawaii.(Tacca palmata,通称毛蝠花或卡帕奥鲁,是原产于夏威夷的一种开花植物。)

9. Tacca cristata is a species of flowering plant with large, decorative flowers found in the tropical regions of Southeast Asia.(Tacca cristata是一种带有大型装饰性花朵的开花植物,在东南亚的热带地区可以找到。)

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