trackball是什么意思 trackball的读音、翻译、用法

trackball是什么意思 trackball的读音、翻译、用法



1. I prefer using a trackball to a traditional mouse. (我更喜欢使用轨迹球而不是传统鼠标。)

2. The trackball on my laptop is not working properly. (我的笔记本电脑上的轨迹球工作不正常。)

3. I find it easier to use a trackball for graphic design work. (我发现用轨迹球做平面设计工作更容易。)

4. Trackballs were first introduced in the 1950s. (轨迹球最早是在xx年代被引入的。)

5. Some people find trackballs more comfortable to use than mice. (有些人觉得使用轨迹球比使用鼠标更舒适。)

6. The trackball can be a useful tool for video editing. (轨迹球可以是视频编辑的有用工具。)

7. The trackball is commonly used in industries that require precise control. (轨迹球常用于需要精确控制的行业。)

8. You can adjust the sensitivity of the trackball to suit your preferences. (您可以调整轨迹球的灵敏度来适应您的偏好。)

9. The trackball is a popular alternative to the touchpad on laptops. (轨迹球是笔记本电脑触控板的受欢迎替代品。)

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