1. 这个森林中有许多种植物,包括Smilacaceae科的藤本植物。
This forest contains a variety of plants, including vines from the Smilacaceae family.
2. Smilacaceae科植物中含有许多有益的成分,被用于草药和中药材。
The Smilacaceae family of plants contains many beneficial compounds and is used as a traditional medicine in many cultures.
3. 这种Smilacaceae科植物的茎上长满了尖刺,要小心不要被扎伤。
The stems of this Smilacaceae family plant are covered in thorns, so be careful not to get pricked.
4. 在这个地区,人们会用Smilacaceae科植物的叶子来泡茶。
In this region, people use the leaves of Smilacaceae family plants to make tea.
5. 这种Smilacaceae科植物的花朵十分微小,不太容易被发现。
The flowers of this Smilacaceae family plant are very small and not easily noticeable.
6. 在中国和其他亚洲国家,Smilacaceae科的植物被广泛用于中药和养生。
In China and other Asian countries, plants from the Smilacaceae family are widely used in traditional medicine and health supplements.
7. 这种Smilacaceae科植物常常生长在河边和湿地附近。
This Smilacaceae family plant often grows near rivers and wetlands.
8. 这个公园里的Smilacaceae科植物非常美丽,吸引了许多游客前来观赏。
The Smilacaceae family plants in this park are very beautiful and attract many tourists.
9. Smilacaceae科植物通常生长在温暖而潮湿的环境中。
Plants from the Smilacaceae family typically grow in warm and humid environments.