democratista是什么意思 democratista的读音、翻译、用法

democratista是什么意思 democratista的读音、翻译、用法





1. My grandfather is a true democratista who has fought for democracy his entire life.(我的祖父是一位真正的民主主义者,他一生都在为民主而奋斗。)

2. She always votes for the candidate who shares her democratista values. (她总是为那些与她民主主义价值观相符的候选人投票。)

3. The new president has been a democratista since he was young and worked tirelessly to promote democracy in his country.(新总统从年少时就是一位民主主义者,一直在为推广民主制度而不懈努力。)

4. The political party's platform is built on democratista principles and aims to promote democracy across the country.(这个政党的平台建立在民主主义原则之上,旨在推动全国的民主进程。)

5. The democratista movement gained momentum in the 20th century and has continued to grow ever since.(民主主义运动在20世纪获得了强劲的势头,并继续不断发展。)

6. The democratista candidates won a sweeping victory in the recent election, signaling a shift towards greater democracy in the country.(民主主义候选人在最近的选举中获得了压倒性的胜利,标志着该国朝着更大的民主化方向迈进。)

7. The democratista activists organized a protest to demand greater democracy and freedom in their country.(民主主义活动家组织了一次抗议活动,要求该国实现更大的民主和自由。)

8. The democratista movement has faced strong opposition from authoritarian leaders who seek to maintain their grip on power.(民主主义运动遭到了专制领导人的强烈反对,他们试图保持他们对权力的控制。)

9. The democratista party has pledged to fight for the rights of marginalized groups and promote equal representation in government.(民主主义党承诺为边缘化的群体争取权利,并在政府中促进平等代表。)

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