ditatorial是什么意思 ditatorial的读音、翻译、用法

ditatorial是什么意思 ditatorial的读音、翻译、用法



1. The dictatorial regime banned all opposition parties and arrested anyone who spoke out against the government.(这个独裁政权禁止所有反对党派,并逮捕任何公开反对政府的人。)

2. The president's dictatorial behavior has led to widespread protests and demands for his resignation.(总统的独裁行为导致了广泛的抗议活动和要求他辞职的呼声。)

3. The media in this country is heavily censored to prevent any criticism of the dictatorial government.(这个国家的媒体受到严格审查,以防止任何对独裁政府的批评。)

4. The dictator's propaganda machine was so effective that many people believed his lies and supported his dictatorial rule.(独裁者的宣传机器非常有效,以至于许多人相信他的谎言,并支持他的独裁统治。)

5. The country's economy suffered under the dictatorial regime, as corruption and mismanagement were rampant.(这个国家在独裁政权下遭受了经济困难,因为腐败和无能管理问题十分严重。)

6. The dictator's son inherited his father's dictatorial tendencies and ruled the country with an iron fist.(独裁者的儿子继承了他父亲的独裁倾向,以铁腕手段统治这个国家。)

7. The opposition parties were banned and their leaders were imprisoned under the dictatorial regime.(在独裁政权下,反对党被禁止,他们的领袖被监禁。)

8. The country's constitution was rewritten to give more power to the dictator, making his rule even more dictatorial.(这个国家的宪法被重新编写,赋予独裁者更多的权力,使他的统治更加独裁。)

9. The dictator's cult of personality was so strong that many people were afraid to speak out against his dictatorial rule.(独裁者的个人崇拜十分严重,以至于许多人害怕公开反对他的独裁统治。)

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