Shaomai是什么意思 Shaomai的读音、翻译、用法

Shaomai是什么意思 Shaomai的读音、翻译、用法

'Shaomai'是汉语词汇,用英语翻译为'Shao Mai'。它是一种传统的中国小吃,通常是用瘦肉和虾仁制成的,配以香菇等食材,再包裹在薄皮中蒸制而成。它在中国南方地区非常流行,是早点和宵夜的常见选择之一。


1. 今天早上我吃了两笼热腾腾的猪肉烧卖。

I had two baskets of hot pork shaomai this morning.

2. 我们在小摊上买了几笼虾仁烧卖,非常好吃。

We bought several baskets of shrimp shaomai at the street vendor, they were delicious.

3. 我喜欢在早餐时间吃猪肉烧卖和豆浆。

I like to eat pork shaomai and soy milk for breakfast.

4. 姐姐在家里用新鲜的鸡肉制作了热气腾腾的鸡肉烧卖。

My sister made hot and fresh chicken shaomai at home.

5. 我们去酒家点了几个小吃,其中包括了猪肉烧卖。

We ordered some snacks at the restaurant, including pork shaomai.

6. 我的妈妈做了很多美味的猪肉烧卖,我们都吃得很饱。

My mother made a lot of delicious pork shaomai and we were all full.

7. 我们在广东尝试了很多当地美食,其中包括了蟹粉烧卖。

We tried a lot of local food in Guangdong, including crab meat shaomai.

8. 我们买了几笼肉皮烧卖,味道非常棒。

We bought several baskets of pork skin shaomai which tasted great.

9. 我在香港吃到了最好吃的虾仁烧卖,真的非常好吃。

I had the best shrimp shaomai I ever tasted in Hong Kong, it was really delicious.

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