status quo是什么意思 status quo的读音、翻译、用法

status quo是什么意思 status quo的读音、翻译、用法

'status quo'是拉丁语,意为“现状”,指的是目前的现状或局面。这个词语广泛应用于政治、社会、经济等领域,用来表示维持现有情况或保持不变的状态。


1. We need to maintain the status quo until we have a better solution. (我们需要维持现状,直到我们有更好的解决方案。)

2. The company is happy with the status quo and doesn't want to make any changes. (公司对现状感到满意,不想做任何改变。)

3. The government is determined to preserve the status quo in the region. (政府决心维护该地区的现状。)

4. The opposition party wants to change the status quo and create a new direction for the country. (反对党想要改变现状,为国家开创新方向。)

5. The status quo is not sustainable and we need to find a new way forward. (现状是不可持续的,我们需要找到新的前进方向。)

6. The negotiations are focused on maintaining the status quo in the industry. (谈判的焦点是维护该行业的现状。)

7. The unions are pushing for changes to the status quo in the workplace. (工会正在推动工作场所现状的变化。)

8. The status quo ante bellum refers to the situation that existed before a war or conflict started. (战前的现状称为status quo ante bellum。)

9. The UN peacekeeping force is working to uphold the status quo and prevent further violence. (联合国维和部队正在努力维护现状,防止进一步的暴力。)

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