Bubo是什么意思 Bubo的读音、翻译、用法

Bubo是什么意思 Bubo的读音、翻译、用法

'Bubo'不是任何国家的语言,它是一种拉丁文名称,用于表示雕鸮属的鸟类。在英语中,它通常被翻译为'Horned Owl',意为角鸮。'Bubo'这个词语在科学界中经常被使用。


1. Bubo scandiacus is commonly known as the snowy owl.(雪鸮,在科学界中被称为“Bubo scandiacus”)

2. The diet of Bubo virginianus includes rodents, birds, and insects.(弓头鸮的食物包括啮齿动物、鸟类和昆虫。)

3. Bubo bubo is the largest species of owl in the world.(角鸮是世界上最大的猫头鹰品种。)

4. The call of Bubo ascalaphus is often described as a deep "uhu".(库干鸮的叫声经常被形容为深沉的“uhu”。)

5. Bubo lacteus is commonly found in the rainforests of Southeast Asia.(白头鹫角鸮通常生活在东南亚的热带雨林中。)

6. Bubo nipalensis is known for its distinctive ear tufts.(尼泊尔鸮以其独特的耳羽而著名。)

7. The habitat of Bubo africanus includes open woodlands and savannas.(非洲角鸮的栖息地包括开阔的林地和草原。)

8. Bubo poensis is a rare species of owl found in parts of West Africa.(几内亚角鸮是在非洲西部部分地区发现的一种稀有的猫头鹰。)

9. The feathers of Bubo magellanicus are highly sought after for use in traditional medicine.(马格兰角鸮的羽毛因在传统医学中的使用而备受追捧。)

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