Anthony Giddens是英国的词语,翻译为安东尼·吉登斯。他是英国社会学家和社会理论家,被称为现代社会学的代表人物之一。他的研究主要关注现代化和全球化对社会变迁的影响,提出了"结构化理论"等重要概念,对现代社会学理论的发展起到了重要作用。
以下是含有Anthony Giddens的例句:
1. Anthony Giddens是当代著名的社会学家。
Anthony Giddens is a famous contemporary sociologist.
2. 经过多年的研究,Anthony Giddens提出了许多重要理论。
After years of research, Anthony Giddens has proposed many important theories.
3. Anthony Giddens的结构化理论对社会学理论的发展起到了重要作用。
Anthony Giddens' structuration theory has played an important role in the development of sociological theory.
4. Anthony Giddens的思想对现代化和全球化的影响进行了深入的研究。
Anthony Giddens' ideas have made in-depth research on the impact of modernization and globalization.
5. 在课堂上,我们学习了Anthony Giddens的社会观念。
In class, we studied Anthony Giddens' social concepts.
6. Anthony Giddens的理论提出了许多有益的思考和讨论。
Anthony Giddens' theories have proposed many useful thoughts and discussions.
7. 我喜欢阅读Anthony Giddens的著作,因为他的理论新颖且富有启发意义。
I enjoy reading Anthony Giddens' works because his theories are innovative and inspiring.
8. 通过学习Anthony Giddens的理论,我对社会学的认识更深刻了。
Through studying Anthony Giddens' theories, I have a deeper understanding of sociology.
9. Anthony Giddens提出的观点在学术界引起了广泛讨论和关注。
Anthony Giddens' views have caused extensive discussion and attention in the academic world.