ACPM是什么意思 ACPM的读音、翻译、用法

ACPM是什么意思 ACPM的读音、翻译、用法

ACPM不是一种语言,它是一种技术术语的缩写,全称为"Average CPU Performance per MHz",即每兆赫兹的平均CPU性能。它通常被用来衡量计算机CPU的性能,以便进行比较和评估。


1. The new CPU has an ACPM of 0.25, which is 25% better than the previous model.(新的CPU具有0.25的ACPM,比以前的型号提高了25%。)

2. The ACPM of this processor is not as high as we expected, so we need to find ways to optimize it.(这个处理器的ACPM没有我们预期的那么高,所以我们需要找出优化的方法。)

3. The ACPM of different types of CPUs varies greatly, so it's important to choose the right one for your needs.(不同类型的CPU的ACPM差别很大,所以选择适合自己需求的非常重要。)

4. The ACPM of this computer is quite good, so it can handle complex tasks easily.(这台电脑的ACPM相当不错,能够轻松处理复杂的任务。)

5. The ACPM of AMD's latest processor is much higher than that of Intel's, which makes it a better choice for some users.(AMD最新的处理器的ACPM比英特尔高得多,这使得它成为某些用户更好的选择。)

6. A higher ACPM means a faster CPU, but it also means higher power consumption and heat generation.(更高的ACPM意味着更快的CPU,但也意味着更高的功耗和热量产生。)

7. When comparing CPUs, you should not only look at the ACPM, but also consider other factors such as cache size and clock speed.(比较CPU时,不仅要看ACPM,还要考虑其他因素,如缓存大小和时钟速度。)

8. The ACPM of mobile processors is usually lower than that of desktop processors, but they are more power efficient.(移动处理器的ACPM通常比桌面处理器低,但它们更具有功耗效率。)

9. The ACPM of this server's processor is quite impressive, which allows it to handle multiple applications and users simultaneously.(这个服务器处理器的ACPM相当令人印象深刻,可以同时处理多个应用程序和用户。)

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