plectro是什么意思 plectro的读音、翻译、用法

plectro是什么意思 plectro的读音、翻译、用法

抱歉,'plectro'并不是一个特定国家的语言,它是一个乐器术语,通常用于西方音乐。在西方音乐中,'plectro'是指用于弹奏弦乐器的小片,通常是由塑料、硬木或龟壳制成。'plectro'常常被称为'拨片'或'拨子'。使用'plectro'弹奏弦乐器的技巧通常称为'plectrum technique',在吉他演奏中尤其常见。


1. The guitarist switched to a plectro for the solo. (吉他手在独奏时换成了拨片。)

2. She prefers to play the mandolin with a plectrum. (她喜欢用拨片演奏曼陀林。)

3. The plectrum he used was made from tortoise shell. (他使用的拨片是由龟壳制成的。)

4. The bassist's plectrum technique is very precise. (低音吉他手的拨片演奏技巧非常精准。)

5. The guitarist lost his plectrum and had to play with his fingers. (吉他手丢失了拨片,只能用手指演奏。)

6. The musician carried several plectrums in his pocket. (音乐家在口袋里带了几个拨片。)

7. She experimented with different types of plectrums to find the best sound. (她尝试了不同类型的拨片,以找到最好的音效。)

8. The sound of the ukulele is enhanced with a plectrum. (用拨片演奏尤克里里的音效更佳。)

9. He uses a custom-made plectrum that is perfectly suited to his playing style. (他使用的是一款特制的拨片,非常适合他的演奏风格。)

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