Cerro Largo是什么意思 Cerro Largo的读音、翻译、用法

Cerro Largo是什么意思 Cerro Largo的读音、翻译、用法

'Cerro Largo'是西班牙语词汇,意为“长山”,它是乌拉圭的一个省份。在乌拉圭的东部边境,接壤巴西、阿根廷两国。该省份面积达到13,648平方公里,总人口约为六万人。

以下是含有'Cerro Largo'词汇的9个例句:

1. Cerro Largo的历史可以追溯到早期的乌拉圭和巴西边界争端中。

(History of Cerro Largo can be traced back to early border disputes between Uruguay and Brazil.)

2. Cerro Largo省是乌拉圭东部的十七个省份之一。

(Cerro Largo province is one of the 17 provinces in the east of Uruguay.)

3. 在Cerro Largo省内,有着迷人的湖泊,瀑布和自然公园。

(In Cerro Largo province, there are enchanting lakes, waterfalls, and nature parks.)

4. Cerro Largo省将风景和历史的纽带在一起。

(Cerro Largo province ties together scenery and history.)

5. 在Cerro Largo,有着广阔的农业领域和充满活力的城市。

(In Cerro Largo, there are vast agricultural fields and vibrant cities.)

6. Cerro Largo的气候炎热潮湿,雨量相对较高。

(Cerro Largo has a hot and humid climate with relatively high rainfall.)

7. Cerro Largo是乌拉圭著名的牧场区,产出高品质的肉类和乳制品。

(Cerro Largo is a famous ranching area in Uruguay, producing high-quality meat and dairy products.)

8. 从Cerro Largo省出发,可以开车前往阿根廷的科尔多瓦市。

(From Cerro Largo province, one can drive to Cordoba city in Argentina.)

9. Cerro Largo的城市规划和历史遗迹吸引着越来越多的游客。

(The urban planning and historical sites in Cerro Largo attract more and more tourists.)

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