1. 'Platyzoa' is an English word.
2. Platyzoa翻译为“扁虫动物”,是一个生物分类单元,包括了一些扁平的、无脊椎动物。
3. 例句:
- Platyzoa是一个畜生。
(Platyzoa is an animal.)
- Platyzoa是海洋生物中最多样化的类群之一。
(Platyzoa is one of the most diverse groups of animals in the ocean.)
- Platyzoa的体表由柔软的外套膜覆盖,类似于蛤壳。
(The body surface of Platyzoa is covered by a soft cuticle, similar to a clam shell.)
- Platyzoa生活在淡水、海洋和陆地,包括了许多寄生虫。
(Platyzoa live in freshwater, marine habitats and on land, including many parasites.)
- Platyzoa的内脏器官排列不规则,没有真正的头部,但有前方的口部。
(The internal organs of Platyzoa are arranged irregularly, without a true head, but with an anterior mouth.)
- Platyzoa包括类似于扁形动物和海绵动物的物种,但这些物种是不同的。
(Platyzoa includes species similar to flatworms and sponges, but these species are distinct.)
- Platyzoa的分类单元是由生殖系统的特征组成的,生殖系统是一些物种的主要特征。
(The classification unit of Platyzoa is composed of reproductive system characteristics, which are a key feature in some species.)
- Platyzoa不是一个单一的物种,而是一个分类群。
(Platyzoa is not a single species, but a taxonomic group.)
- Platyzoa中的某些物种是寄生虫,可以感染人类和家畜。
(Some species in Platyzoa are parasites that can infect humans and domestic animals.)