jiu-jitsu是什么意思 jiu-jitsu的读音、翻译、用法

jiu-jitsu是什么意思 jiu-jitsu的读音、翻译、用法




1. 科林在日本学习柔术已经有xx年了。(英语:Colin has been studying jiu-jitsu in Japan for three years.)

2. 他的柔术技巧非常厉害,无人可以匹敌。(英语:His jiu-jitsu skills are very formidable and no one can match him.)

3. 我们班上的一些同学也喜欢练习柔术。(英语:Some students in our class also like to practice jiu-jitsu.)

4. 在比赛中,他成功地运用了柔术技巧制服了对手。(英语:In the competition, he successfully used jiu-jitsu techniques to subdue his opponent.)

5. 柔术的基本技巧包括跌倒技巧、关节锁技巧和挣扎技巧。(英语:The basic techniques of jiu-jitsu include falling techniques, joint lock techniques, and struggling techniques.)

6. 柔术需要长时间的练习和不断地实践才能取得真正的技巧。(英语:Jiu-jitsu requires long-term practice and continuous practice to achieve true mastery.)

7. 柔术是一种很古老的日本武术,具有丰富的历史文化背景。(英语:Jiu-jitsu is a very ancient Japanese martial art with a rich historical and cultural background.)

8. 很多人认为柔术只适合男性练习,其实女性也完全可以练习柔术并且取得好成绩。(英语:Many people think that jiu-jitsu is only suitable for men, but women can also practice jiu-jitsu and achieve good results.)

9. 在柔术比赛中,往往需要运用一些特殊的花式动作才能打败对手。(英语:In jiu-jitsu competitions, it often requires the use of some special fancy moves to defeat opponents.)

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