'Royal Society'这个词语源自英语,意为“皇家学会”。该学会创建于xx年,是世界上最古老的科学院之一,致力于促进科学的发展和传播。该学会的会员包括自然科学、工程技术、医学、数学等领域的知名专家和学者。常见的翻译有“皇家学术会”、“皇家科学院”等,常被缩写为“RS”。
以下是9个含有'Royal Society'的例句:
1. The Royal Society is a prestigious academic institution in England.(皇家学会是英格兰著名的学术机构。)
2. She was elected as a member of the Royal Society last year.(她去年当选为皇家学会成员。)
3. The Royal Society has played an important role in promoting scientific research.(皇家学会在推动科学研究方面发挥了重要作用。)
4. The Royal Society has a long history of supporting scientific innovation.(皇家学会长期以来一直支持科学创新。)
5. The Royal Society publishes a range of scientific journals.(皇家学会出版多种科学期刊。)
6. The Royal Society awards grants to outstanding researchers every year.(皇家学会每年向杰出的研究人员颁发奖金。)
7. The Royal Society holds regular meetings and conferences to advance scientific knowledge.(皇家学会定期举行会议和研讨会,推进科学知识的发展。)
8. The Royal Society is internationally recognized for its contributions to science.(皇家学会因其对科学的贡献而在国际上得到认可。)
9. The Royal Society has a mission to promote science for the benefit of society.(皇家学会的使命是为了社会的利益而推动科学发展。)