'Ariosoma fasciatum'是拉丁语,中文翻译为“斑纹陈鳔鳗”。
以下是9个含有'Ariosoma fasciatum'的例句:
1. Ariosoma fasciatum is commonly found in the coral reefs of the Pacific Ocean.(斑纹陈鳔鳗通常生活在太平洋的珊瑚礁中。)
2. The distinct black and white stripes make Ariosoma fasciatum easily identifiable.(斑纹陈鳔鳗明显的黑白条纹使其容易被识别。)
3. The diet of Ariosoma fasciatum consists of small fish, crustaceans and mollusks.(斑纹陈鳔鳗的饮食主要包括小鱼、甲壳类动物和软体动物。)
4. Ariosoma fasciatum has an elongated body that resembles that of a snake.(斑纹陈鳔鳗的身体呈蛇形。)
5. Ariosoma fasciatum is a popular target of commercial fishing.(斑纹陈鳔鳗是商业捕鱼的热门目标。)
6. The dorsal fin of Ariosoma fasciatum is long and runs along the entire length of the body.(斑纹陈鳔鳗的背鳍长而贯穿整个身体。)
7. Ariosoma fasciatum is often preyed upon by larger fish such as grouper and barracuda.(斑纹陈鳔鳗通常被大型鱼类,如石斑鱼和梭鱼捕食。)
8. The patterns on the skin of Ariosoma fasciatum can vary slightly between individuals.(斑纹陈鳔鳗的皮肤花纹在个体之间略有不同。)
9. Ariosoma fasciatum is known for its unique ability to camouflage itself against its environment.(斑纹陈鳔鳗以其独特的自我伪装能力而闻名。)