RSE是什么意思 RSE的读音、翻译、用法

RSE是什么意思 RSE的读音、翻译、用法

'RSE'是英国的词语,其全称是“Relationships and Sex Education”,中文翻译为“人际关系和性教育”,是一种针对学生的课程,旨在为他们提供正确的性知识和道德指导,帮助他们了解自己的身体、性别和性取向,以及如何与他人建立良好的人际关系。


1. Children in primary schools will receive RSE lessons that teach them about healthy friendships and relationships. (小学生将接受RSE课程,学习健康友谊和关系)

2. RSE lessons will be mandatory for all secondary school students in England. (RSE课程将对英格兰所有中学生强制执行)

3. The RSE curriculum should include lessons on consent and healthy sexual relationships. (RSE课程应包括关于同意和健康性关系的课程)

4. RSE should be taught in a way that respects the religious and cultural beliefs of all students. (RSE应以尊重所有学生的宗教和文化信仰的方式进行教学)

5. Some parents have raised concerns about the content of RSE lessons. (一些家长对RSE课程的内容提出了担忧)

6. RSE lessons can help young people to understand the risks of unprotected sex. (RSE课程可以帮助年轻人了解无保护性行为的风险)

7. The aim of RSE is to promote healthy and respectful relationships. (RSE的目的是促进健康和尊重的关系)

8. RSE lessons can also cover topics like consent, gender identity, and LGBTQ+ issues. (RSE课程还可以涵盖同意、性别认同和LGBTQ+问题等主题)

9. The introduction of RSE in schools has been met with both support and opposition. (学校引入RSE课程既得到了支持,也遭到了反对)

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