necrosis caseosa是什么意思 necrosis caseosa的读音、翻译、用法

necrosis caseosa是什么意思 necrosis caseosa的读音、翻译、用法

'necrosis caseosa'是拉丁语,翻译成中文是“干酪样坏死”。


以下是9个含有'necrosis caseosa'的例句:

1. The histopathology showed necrosis caseosa in the lung tissue. (组织病理学显示肺组织中有干酪样坏死。)

2. The patient was diagnosed with tuberculosis based on the presence of necrosis caseosa in the lung. (根据肺部干酪样坏死的存在,确诊该患者患有结核病。)

3. Necrosis caseosa is a characteristic feature of certain infectious diseases.(干酪样坏死是某些传染病的特征性表现。)

4. The biopsy revealed necrosis caseosa in the lymph node.(活检结果显示淋巴结中出现干酪样坏死。)

5. Necrosis caseosa can be detected by imaging modalities such as CT scan.(干酪样坏死可以通过如CT扫描等影像学检查来检测。)

6. The abscess fluid contained necrosis caseosa material.(脓液中含有干酪样坏死物质。)

7. Necrosis caseosa is a common finding in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.(干酪样坏死是肺结核患者常见的表现之一。)

8. The presence of necrosis caseosa in the liver suggested a systemic infection.(肝脏中干酪样坏死的存在提示该患者患有全身性感染。)

9. Necrosis caseosa is typically seen in granulomatous diseases.(干酪样坏死通常见于肉芽肿性疾病。)

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