naled是什么意思 naled的读音、翻译、用法

naled是什么意思 naled的读音、翻译、用法




1. Naled is commonly used to control mosquito populations in areas prone to mosquito-borne diseases.(Naled经常被用来控制易受蚊媒疾病影响的地区的蚊子数量。)

2. The city council has approved the use of naled to combat the recent outbreak of West Nile virus.(市议会已批准使用Naled来应对最近爆发的西尼罗河病毒。)

3. Farmers often use naled to protect their crops from insect damage.(农民经常使用Naled来保护他们的作物免受昆虫的损害。)

4. The health department has sprayed naled in the area to prevent the spread of Zika virus.(卫生部门已经在该地区喷洒Naled,以防止寨卡病毒的传播。)

5. Naled has been shown to be effective in controlling adult mosquitoes, but not in eliminating their larvae.(Naled已被证明对控制成年蚊虫有效,但无法消灭它们的幼虫。)

6. The Environmental Protection Agency has set limits on the amount of naled that can be used in public spaces.(环保局规定了在公共场所使用Naled的数量限制。)

7. Some studies have suggested that exposure to naled may be linked to an increased risk of neurological problems.(一些研究表明,接触Naled可能与神经系统问题的风险增加有关。)

8. The use of naled has been controversial, with some people advocating for more natural alternatives.(Naled的使用一直备受争议,一些人主张采用更自然的替代品。)

9. Naled should always be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and all safety precautions should be taken.(应始终按照制造商的说明使用Naled,并采取所有安全预防措施。)

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