Shaun Wright-Phillips是什么意思 Shaun Wright-Phillips的读音、翻译、用法

Shaun Wright-Phillips是什么意思 Shaun Wright-Phillips的读音、翻译、用法

'Shaun Wright-Phillips'是英语词语,翻译成中文意思是“肖恩·怀特-菲利普斯”。它是一个人名,指的是一名英格兰足球运动员,出生于xx年。他曾效力于曼城、切尔西、昆士公园巡游者等多支球队。在职业生涯中,他获得过英超、足总杯、社区盾杯等多个冠军。

以下是9个包含'Shaun Wright-Phillips'的英语例句:

1. Shaun Wright-Phillips was a key player in Manchester City's 2005/06 season, when the team reached the UEFA Cup quarter-finals.(肖恩·怀特-菲利普斯是曼城2005/06赛季的关键球员,当时这支团队闯入了欧洲联赛的四分之一决赛。)

2. After leaving Manchester City, Shaun Wright-Phillips signed for Chelsea in 2005.(离开曼城后,肖恩·怀特-菲利普斯于xx年签约切尔西。)

3. Shaun Wright-Phillips scored a stunning goal against Bulgaria in a Euro 2012 qualifier.(肖恩·怀特-菲利普斯在xx年欧洲杯预选赛对阵保加利亚时打进了一个惊人的进球。)

4. Shaun Wright-Phillips made 36 appearances for England, scoring 6 goals.(肖恩·怀特-菲利普斯为英格兰上阵36次,打进6个进球。)

5. In 2008, Shaun Wright-Phillips returned to Manchester City for a second spell.(xx年,肖恩·怀特-菲利普斯回到曼城效力。)

6. Shaun Wright-Phillips was known for his lightning speed and incredible dribbling ability.(肖恩·怀特-菲利普斯以其闪电般的速度和惊人的盘带能力而闻名。)

7. When Shaun Wright-Phillips joined Chelsea, he became the most expensive English player at the time.(当肖恩·怀特-菲利普斯加入切尔西时,他成为当时最贵的英格兰球员。)

8. Despite being a diminutive player, Shaun Wright-Phillips was fearless and never shied away from a challenge.(尽管身材较矮小,但肖恩·怀特-菲利普斯勇敢无畏,从不畏惧挑战。)

9. Shaun Wright-Phillips retired from professional football in 2019 after a successful career spanning over 17 years.(肖恩·怀特-菲利普斯在职业生涯中取得了巨大的成就,经过xx年的漫长岁月后,于xx年退役。)

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