iluvatar是什么意思 iluvatar的读音、翻译、用法

iluvatar是什么意思 iluvatar的读音、翻译、用法



1. Eru Ilúvatar created Arda and all things in it. (Eru Ilúvatar创建了阿尔达和其中的一切。)

2. The Valar and Maiar were created by Ilúvatar in the beginning of time. (瓦拉和迈雅尔是由Ilúvatar在时间开始时创造的。)

3. Ilúvatar whispered a secret power into the heart of the world. (Ilúvatar在世界之心中轻轻讲了一声秘密力量。)

4. Ilúvatar blessed the union of Beren and Lúthien. (Ilúvatar祝福了贝伦和露西恩的结合。)

5. Ilúvatar gave the gift of life to the Elves. (Ilúvatar给予精灵生命的礼物。)

6. The Elves believed that Ilúvatar was the only true god. (精灵相信Ilúvatar是唯一的真神。)

7. Ilúvatar commanded Melkor to leave his kingdom. (Ilúvatar命令梅尔科尔离开他的王国。)

8. The choir of Ainur sang a great song of praise for Ilúvatar. (Ainur合唱团为Ilúvatar唱了一首伟大的赞美歌。)

9. Ilúvatar revealed his plan for the fate of Middle-earth to the Valar. (Ilúvatar向瓦拉透露了他对中土世界命运的计划。)

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