Operation PBSUCCESS是什么意思 Operation PBSUCCESS的读音、翻译、用法

Operation PBSUCCESS是什么意思 Operation PBSUCCESS的读音、翻译、用法

'Operation PBSUCCESS'是英语,可以翻译为“成功计划行动”。这个词语是指xx年美国中央情报局(CIA)进行的秘密行动,旨在推翻危地马拉的雅各布·阿尔本斯·古铁雷斯政府。该行动被认为是CIA在拉丁美洲所进行的一系列颜色革命和政治干预的开端。

以下是含有'Operation PBSUCCESS'的九个例句:

1. The success of 'Operation PBSUCCESS' marked the beginning of US intervention in Latin America.(“成功计划行动”的成功标志着美国在拉丁美洲进行干预的开始。)

2. 'Operation PBSUCCESS' laid the groundwork for future covert CIA operations in other countries.(“成功计划行动”为CIA在其他国家进行隐秘行动奠定了基础。)

3. The CIA spent millions of dollars on 'Operation PBSUCCESS', which was kept secret for many years.(CIA在“成功计划行动”上花费了数百万美元,而该行动保密了多年。)

4. 'Operation PBSUCCESS' was eventually exposed to the public, leading to criticism and controversy.(最终,“成功计划行动”被揭露给公众,引起了批评和争议。)

5. The CIA used propaganda and covert actions to achieve their goals in 'Operation PBSUCCESS'.(CIA在“成功计划行动”中使用了宣传和隐秘行动来实现他们的目标。)

6. The overthrow of the Guatemalan government through 'Operation PBSUCCESS' had long-lasting effects on the country's political and economic stability.(通过“成功计划行动”推翻危地马拉政府对该国的政治和经济稳定产生了长期影响。)

7. Some argue that 'Operation PBSUCCESS' was a necessary response to communist influence in Central America, while others criticize it as a violation of sovereignty.(一些人认为“成功计划行动”是对中美洲共产主义影响的必要回应,而其他人则批评它违反了主权。)

8. The CIA's involvement in 'Operation PBSUCCESS' was later investigated by a congressional committee.(国会委员会后来调查了CIA参与“成功计划行动”的行为。)

9. To this day, the legacy of 'Operation PBSUCCESS' continues to shape US-Latin American relations.(直到今天,“成功计划行动”的遗产仍然影响着美国与拉丁美洲的关系。)

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