1. 'Carya illinoensis'是美国的词语,中文翻译为“美洲山核桃”。
2. 'Carya illinoensis'是指一种原产于美国南部的大型落叶乔木,其果实为食用坚果,被广泛用于烘焙、糖果和甜点中。
3. 例句1:Pecan pie is a popular dessert in the Southern United States, made with 'Carya illinoensis' nuts.(山核桃派是美国南部的流行甜点,用' Carya illinoensis '核桃制作。)
4. 例句2:'Carya illinoensis' trees typically grow to a height of 20-40 meters.(美洲山核桃树通常长到20-40米高。)
5. 例句3:The 'Carya illinoensis' is a member of the hickory family.(美洲山核桃是山核桃科的一员。)
6. 例句4:The 'Carya illinoensis' has a rich, buttery flavor that is highly prized by chefs.(美洲山核桃具有丰富的奶油味,是厨师们极其珍视的食材。)
7. 例句5:In Texas, 'Carya illinoensis' trees are commonly grown for their nuts.(在德克萨斯州,人们常种植美洲山核桃树来生产坚果。)
8. 例句6:'Carya illinoensis' nuts are a good source of healthy fats and protein.(美洲山核桃坚果是健康脂肪和蛋白质的好来源。)
9. 例句7:Pecans are often added to salads for a crunchy texture and nutty flavor, thanks to the 'Carya illinoensis' nuts.(山核桃常被添加到沙拉中,以增加脆口和坚果味,这都是由于美洲山核桃带来的。)
10. 例句8:The 'Carya illinoensis' is a popular ingredient in Southern-style barbecue dishes.(美洲山核桃是南方烧烤菜肴的常见配料。)
11. 例句9:Pralines, a popular Southern candy made with 'Carya illinoensis' nuts, are often sold at roadside stands.(派利恩糖果是一种流行的南方糖果,用美洲山核桃制成,经常在路边小摊上出售。)