Aberdeenshire是什么意思 Aberdeenshire的读音、翻译、用法

Aberdeenshire是什么意思 Aberdeenshire的读音、翻译、用法

'Aberdeenshire'是英语词汇,直译为“阿伯丁郡”,是苏格兰的一个地区,位于苏格兰东北部,毗邻北海。这个地区以其美丽的海滩、古堡和高尔夫球场而闻名。'Aberdeenshire'一词的语源可以追溯到盖尔语“Obar Dheathain”,意为“丹河口的河口”。


1. Aberdeen is the largest city in Aberdeenshire. (阿伯丁是阿伯丁郡最大的城市。)

2. The stunning coastline of Aberdeenshire is not to be missed. (阿伯丁郡壮观的海岸线不容错过。)

3. Aberdeenshire is well-known for its historic castles. (阿伯丁郡以其历史悠久的古堡而闻名。)

4. The Banchory Lodge Hotel is located in the heart of Aberdeenshire. (班科里旅馆位于阿伯丁郡的中心地带。)

5. Aberdeenshire boasts some of the best golf courses in the world. (阿伯丁郡拥有世界上一些最好的高尔夫球场。)

6. The Aberdeenshire countryside is breathtakingly beautiful. (阿伯丁郡的乡村风光非常美丽。)

7. The Aberdeenshire farming community is vital to the region's economy. (阿伯丁郡的农业社区对该地区的经济至关重要。)

8. The Aberdeenshire coast is a popular spot for dolphin watching. (阿伯丁郡的海岸线是观赏海豚的热门地点。)

9. The Aberdeenshire Highland Games attract visitors from all over the world. (阿伯丁郡的高地运动会吸引来自世界各地的游客。)

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