Tetragonolobus是什么意思 Tetragonolobus的读音、翻译、用法

Tetragonolobus是什么意思 Tetragonolobus的读音、翻译、用法



1. Tetragonolobus purpureus是四棱豆的另一种品种,叶子更细长一些。

(Tetragonolobus purpureus is another variety of Winged bean with thinner and longer leaves.)

2. Tetragonolobus maximus是一种高效的生产型四棱豆品种。

(Tetragonolobus maximus is a highly productive variety of Winged bean.)

3. 这个地区的农民主要种植玉米、大豆、四棱豆等作物。

(The farmers in this area mainly grow crops such as corn, soybean, and Winged bean.)

4. 通过改良品种,四棱豆的产量得到了较大提升。

(Through breeding, the yield of Winged bean has greatly increased.)

5. 四棱豆富含蛋白质和磷,是一种很好的营养植物。

(Winged bean is rich in protein and phosphorus, making it a nutritious plant.)

6. 在菲律宾,四棱豆通常与椰子一起烹饪,味道非常美味。

(In the Philippines, Winged bean is usually cooked with coconut and it tastes delicious.)

7. 四棱豆的种子可以用来制作豆腐、豆浆等豆制品。

(The seeds of Winged bean can be used to make tofu, soy milk, and other soy products.)

8. Tetragonolobus豆类可以作为牧草种植,为牲畜提供营养。

(Winged bean can be planted as a forage crop, providing nutrition for livestock.)

9. 四棱豆的茎和叶子也可以作为蔬菜食用,有助于提高人体免疫力。

(The stems and leaves of Winged bean can also be eaten as vegetables, helping to boost the immune system.)

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