UNCTAD是联合国贸易和发展会议(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)的缩写,英文全称是United Nations Conference on Trade and Development。它是由联合国大会成立的,是负责协调全球贸易和发展事务的重要机构之一。UNCTAD致力于协调全球贸易和发展,帮助发展中国家在国际贸易领域获得更公平的地位和利益。它的工作重点包括促进国际贸易、制定贸易政策和规则、提高发展中国家在全球经济中的地位和竞争力、支持可持续发展等。
1. According to the latest UNCTAD report, global trade growth is expected to pick up this year. (根据最新的UNCTAD报告,全球贸易增长预计将在今年回升。)
2. UNCTAD has announced a new program to help developing countries improve their investment climate. (UNCTAD宣布了一项新计划,以帮助发展中国家改善其投资环境。)
3. The UNCTAD conference will discuss a range of issues related to trade and development. (UNCTAD会议将讨论一系列与贸易和发展相关的问题。)
4. UNCTAD's latest research shows that many African countries are struggling to benefit from global trade. (UNCTAD的最新研究显示,许多非洲国家正在努力从全球贸易中受益。)
5. The UNCTAD secretary-general called for greater cooperation among countries to promote sustainable development. (UNCTAD秘书长呼吁各国加强合作,促进可持续发展。)
6. UNCTAD warned that protectionist policies could harm global economic growth. (UNCTAD警告称保护主义政策可能会损害全球经济增长。)
7. UNCTAD's report on e-commerce highlights the need for greater investment in digital infrastructure. (UNCTAD的电子商务报告强调需要加大数字基础设施的投资。)
8. UNCTAD has been working to promote regional integration and trade in Latin America. (UNCTAD一直在努力促进拉丁美洲地区的区域一体化和贸易。)
9. The UNCTAD meeting in Geneva brought together trade ministers from around the world to discuss global trade challenges. (在日内瓦举行的UNCTAD会议汇聚了来自世界各地的贸易部长,讨论全球贸易面临的挑战。)