Stellaria graminea是什么意思 Stellaria graminea的读音、翻译、用法

Stellaria graminea是什么意思 Stellaria graminea的读音、翻译、用法

'Stellaria graminea'是拉丁语,中文翻译为狭叶繁缕。它是一种多年生草本植物,属于繁缕科,主要分布于北半球温带地区。

以下是9个含有'Stellaria graminea'的例句:

1. Steellaria graminea is a common wildflower found in meadows and pastures. (Stellaria graminea是常见的野花,生长在草地和牧场。)

2. The leaves of Stellaria graminea are narrow and pointed, and the flowers are white with five petals. (Stellaria graminea的叶子狭长而尖,花朵呈白色,有五片花瓣。)

3. Stellaria graminea can be used in herbal medicine to treat skin conditions and digestive problems. (可以将狭叶繁缕用于草药治疗皮肤问题和消化问题。)

4. The seeds of Stellaria graminea are a favorite food of many small birds. (许多小鸟都喜欢食用狭叶繁缕的种子。)

5. Stellaria graminea can be planted in garden borders or wildflower meadows for a delicate and natural look. (可以在花园边界或野花草地中种植狭叶繁缕,营造出精致自然的氛围。)

6. Stellaria graminea is also known as narrow-leaved chickweed. (狭叶繁缕也被称为窄叶地肤。)

7. Stellaria graminea blooms in early summer and can continue to flower until early fall. (狭叶繁缕在初夏开花,一直持续到初秋。)

8. Stellaria graminea is a low-maintenance plant that requires minimal watering and care. (狭叶繁缕是一种低维护植物,只需少量浇水和护理即可。)

9. In traditional Chinese medicine, Stellaria graminea is believed to have cooling properties and is used to treat fevers and inflammation. (在传统中药中,狭叶繁缕被认为具有清凉的特性,被用于治疗发烧和炎症。)

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