'Soyuz TM-31'是俄罗斯的词语,可以翻译为“联盟TM-31”,是一种载人飞船,用于从地球至国际空间站的旅行。它于xx年xx月xx日发射并成功完成了任务。
以下是9个含有'Soyuz TM-31'的例句:
1. Soyuz TM-31 was the first manned spacecraft to dock with the International Space Station.(联盟TM-31是第一艘与国际空间站进行对接的载人飞船。)
2. Soyuz TM-31 carried three astronauts to the International Space Station in 2000.(xx年,联盟TM-31将三名宇航员送到了国际空间站。)
3. The Soyuz TM-31 is equipped with a variety of scientific instruments for conducting research in space.(联盟TM-31配备了多种科学仪器,用于在太空中进行研究。)
4. The Soyuz TM-31 mission lasted for almost six months.(联盟TM-31任务持续了近六个月。)
5. The Soyuz TM-31 was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.(联盟TM-31从哈萨克斯坦的拜科努尔发射场发射。)
6. The crew of Soyuz TM-31 returned safely to Earth in May 2001.(联盟TM-31的机组人员于xx年xx月安全返回地球。)
7. Soyuz TM-31 traveled approximately 24 million miles during its mission.(联盟TM-31在任务期间大约飞行了2400万英里。)
8. The Soyuz TM-31 spacecraft has a maximum capacity of three crew members.(联盟TM-31飞船的最大容纳能力为三名机组成员。)
9. The Soyuz TM-31 was retired in 2003 after completing its final mission.(联盟TM-31在完成最后一次任务后于xx年退役。)