Nabonido是什么意思 Nabonido的读音、翻译、用法

Nabonido是什么意思 Nabonido的读音、翻译、用法



1. Nabonido,作为巴比伦王朝的最后一位国王,被认为是治理不善的罪魁祸首。

(Nabonido, as the last king of the Babylonian Empire, was considered to be the chief culprit of poor governance.)

2. Nabonido迷上了古代天文学,这在当时的巴比伦诸侯中并不常见。

(Nabonido became fascinated with ancient astronomy, which was not common among the Babylonian nobles at that time.)

3. Nabonido因为迁都波斯湾而受到了许多巴比伦人的批评。

(Nabonido faced a lot of criticism from Babylonians for moving the capital to the Persian Gulf.)

4. Nabonido的政治改革导致了许多宗教节日的兴起。

(Nabonido's political reforms led to the rise of many religious festivals.)

5. 文物收藏家,Nabonido建立了一座博物馆,收集了许多珍贵的文物。

(As a collector, Nabonido established a museum and collected many valuable artifacts.)

6. Nabonido对波斯的崇拜导致了巴比伦对波斯的征服。

(Nabonido's worship of Persia led to Babylon's conquest by Persia.)

7. Nabonido的崇拜之旅让巴比伦的执政者感到非常担忧。

(Nabonido's pilgrimage caused great concern among the rulers of Babylon.)

8. Nabonido在波斯高原上的一个城市建造了一座庞大的粮仓,以备将来的饥荒。

(Nabonido built a massive granary in a city on the Persian plateau to prepare for future famines.)

9. Nabonido将远古的巴比伦传说编写成了一本书,这本书被称为《报纸卷》。

(Nabonido compiled ancient Babylonian legends into a book called the "Cylinder Chronicle.")

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