1. Castoridae 科动物的牙齿能够不断生长和磨损。
Castoridae teeth can constantly grow and wear down.
2. 海狸(Castoridae 科物种之一)的皮毛可以用来制作帽子和衣服。
The fur of a beaver (a species in the Castoridae family) can be used to make hats and clothing.
3. Castoridae 科的物种可以通过建造堤坝来改变河流的流向。
Species in the Castoridae family can change the flow of rivers by building dams.
4. Castoridae 科的海狸通常是营造堤坝并生活在水边的。
Beavers from the Castoridae family usually build dams and live near water.
5. Castoridae 科物种被广泛用于经营和保护森林。
Species from the Castoridae family are widely used for forestry management and conservation.
6. 河狸是 Castoridae 科物种中最大的一种。
The river beaver is the largest species in the Castoridae family.
7. Castoridae 科物种在自然环境中扮演着重要的生态角色。
Species in the Castoridae family play an important ecological role in their natural environment.
8. 有些 Castoridae 科物种被认为是入侵物种,对当地生态环境造成了影响。
Some species from the Castoridae family are considered invasive and have had an impact on local ecosystems.
9. 捕猎 Castoridae 科物种已经成为许多地方的传统活动。
Hunting species from the Castoridae family has been a traditional activity in many places.