Casuariiformes是什么意思 Casuariiformes的读音、翻译、用法

Casuariiformes是什么意思 Casuariiformes的读音、翻译、用法





1. The classification of birds includes songbirds, raptors, and Casuariiformes. (鸟类分类包括鸣禽、猛禽和始祖鸟目。)

2. The Casuariiformes are a group of large, flightless birds found in Australia and New Guinea. (食火鸟目是一群生活在澳大利亚和新几内亚的大型不会飞行的鸟类。)

3. The ostrich is the largest member of the Casuariiformes. (鸵鸟是始祖鸟目中最大的成员。)

4. The Casuariiformes have been around for over 60 million years. (始祖鸟目已经存在了6000万年以上。)

5. The ancestors of the Casuariiformes were able to fly, but over time they lost this ability. (始祖鸟目的祖先能够飞行,但随着时间的推移他们失去了这种能力。)

6. The closest living relatives of the Casuariiformes are the kiwis of New Zealand. (食火鸟目最近的现生亲戚是新西兰的几维鸟。)

7. The Casuariiformes have a distinctive bony casque on their heads. (食火鸟目头部有一个独特的骨质盔状物。)

8. The Casuariiformes are mainly herbivorous, feeding on fruit, seeds, and leaves. (始祖鸟目主要是食草性的,吃水果、种子和叶子。)

9. The extinction of the moa, a member of the Casuariiformes, is thought to have been caused by overhunting by humans. (袋鸟科成员恐鸟的灭绝被认为是因为过度捕猎而导致的。)

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