1. Ko te tau e wha (4) tēnei o ngā pukapuka i roto i āku kete. (这是我篮子里的第四本书。)
翻译:This is the fourth book in my basket.
2. He tau marae tēnei o ngā whānau whānui o tērā whenua. (这是那个地方广大家族的聚集地。)
翻译:This is the marae of the large families of that land.
3. Ko ngā tau katoa o tāna oranga i te ao tawhito ka kitea i tēnei whare taonga. (他的全部生命历程可以在这个博物馆里看到。)
翻译:All of his life's journey can be seen in this museum.
4. He tau pai tēnei mō ngā kaiwhakahaere wāhi mahi ki te hamama o te whānau. (这是为地方企业管理人员提供的好机会。)
翻译:This is a good opportunity for local business managers.
5. Me whakapau kaha tātou ki te tiaki i ngā tau o ā tātou mokopuna. (我们应该努力保护我们孙子的未来。)
翻译:We should work hard to protect the future of our grandchildren.
6. He tau nui tōku ki te whai mātauranga hou mō tōku mahi. (我喜欢学习与我的工作相关的新知识。)
翻译:I enjoy learning new knowledge related to my job.
7. Taea te tau te whakatau i ngā raru katoa i te ao. (山可以消除世界上的所有困难。)
翻译:The mountain can resolve all problems in the world.
8. Me tuku i ngā tamariki ki te tau māori ki te ako i ā rātou reo me ō rātou tikanga. (孩子们应该去参加母语教育并学习他们的文化传统。)
翻译:Children should join Maori education to learn their language and cultural traditions.
9. He pai ngā wā ki te ripo tau i te moana. (在海里冲浪是一个很好的时间。)
翻译:It is a good time to ride the waves in the ocean.