'Verticillium dahliae'是拉丁语,中文翻译为黄萎菌。它是一种真菌,可导致许多植物疾病,例如番茄、土豆、棉花和树木的黄萎病。
1. Verticillium dahliae is a soil-borne fungus that causes wilt diseases in many crops.(黄萎菌是一种土传真菌,会导致许多作物的枯萎病。)
2. Control of Verticillium dahliae is difficult, as it can persist in soil for many years.(控制黄萎菌很困难,因为它可以在土壤中持续多年。)
3. Tomato plants infected with Verticillium dahliae may show yellowing, wilting and stunting.(感染黄萎菌的番茄植株可能会出现黄化、萎蔫和发育不良。)
4. The severity of Verticillium dahliae infection in cotton can be reduced by crop rotation.(通过轮作可降低黄萎菌感染棉花的严重程度。)
5. Verticillium dahliae is often found in areas with warm, dry weather and alkaline soils.(黄萎菌常出现在温暖干燥、土壤碱性的地区。)
6. Researchers are investigating new methods to control Verticillium dahliae, including the use of biocontrol agents.(研究人员正在探索控制黄萎菌的新方法,包括使用生物防治剂。)
7. Verticillium dahliae can infect a wide range of plant species, including trees such as elms and maples.(黄萎菌可以感染多种植物物种,包括榆树和枫树等树木。)
8. The use of resistant crop varieties is an important strategy for managing Verticillium dahliae.(使用耐黄萎菌的作物品种是管理黄萎菌的重要策略。)
9. Verticillium dahliae is a major pathogen of potato, causing significant yield loss in many potato-growing regions.(黄萎菌是马铃薯的主要病原菌,在许多种植马铃薯的地区会导致重要的产量损失。)