'VfL Osnabruck'是德语,翻译为“奥斯纳布吕克足球俱乐部”。
以下是含有'VfL Osnabruck'的9个例句:
1. VfL Osnabruck在上一场比赛中取得了胜利。(德语)
Translation: VfL Osnabruck won the last game.
2. VfL Osnabruck是一家历史悠久的足球俱乐部。(中文)
Translation: VfL Osnabruck is a well-established football club.
3. VfL Osnabruck的球员非常有才华。(中文)
Translation: The players of VfL Osnabruck are very talented.
4. VfL Osnabruck在本赛季的表现非常出色。(中文)
Translation: VfL Osnabruck's performance this season is outstanding.
5. VfL Osnabruck在欧洲赛场上有过不俗的表现。(中文)
Translation: VfL Osnabruck has had some decent performances in European competitions.
6. VfL Osnabruck的支持者非常热情。(中文)
Translation: The supporters of VfL Osnabruck are very passionate.
7. 我们希望VfL Osnabruck能够在下一场比赛中取得胜利。(中文)
Translation: We hope that VfL Osnabruck will win the next game.
8. VfL Osnabruck是德国足球甲级联赛的一员。(中文)
Translation: VfL Osnabruck is a member of the German Bundesliga.
9. Paderborn将会在本周末对阵VfL Osnabruck。(中文)
Translation: Paderborn will face VfL Osnabruck this weekend.